Sybratic Terms Of Service

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Sybaritic Program operates under the terms and conditions as set out herein below unless otherwise expressly stated. Should you require any clarifications you can contact Member Services email us at


1. The Senate holidays private Limited for the sake of brevity would refer to as SHPL or Company

2. Sybaritic Program is the optional bulk holiday packages membership i.e., plan offered by the senate holidays private Limited on payment of bulk holidays package membership fee.

3. Member means a natural person who is admitted as a member of the Sybaritic Program.

4. Membership means a valid membership of the Sybaritic Program.

5. Card refers to the Sybaritic Program membership card provided to Members upon Membership enrolment or renewal.

8. Validity refers to the 14 Years from the date of issuance for which the Sybaritic Membership Card and Membership Benefits are available for use by the Sybaritic Program member.

9. Fee refers to the monetary sum or the said amount which needs to be paid by a person in order to enrol as a member of the Sybaritic Program.

10. Membership Benefits refer to the benefits in the form of Special Discounts and Exclusive Vouchers provided to a member as a part of his/her Membership.

11. Exclusive Vouchers refer to the vouchers provided to the Member as a part of the Membership. Theses exclusive vouchers can be utilised to avail limited-usage benefits at the participating/selected SHPL/company establishments within India AND international only subject to any terms & conditions applicable for their individual usage.

13. Direct Booking is a reservation made using the SHPL reservation system, including its website, Hotel Reservation Office or Reservations 24x7, which are directly owned and/or operated by SHPL/company

16. Blackout Dates refer to dates, including but not limited to select weekends, public holidays & festivals and days of the peak travel season period, on which the availability of products and services at the participating/selected hotels is limited, and during which the membership benefits of the Sybaritic Program are not valid.

17 Sybaritic Program are valid as per their individual terms and conditions.


18. These terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the Courts at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of all matters/ disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions and/or the Sybaritic Program.

19. The Membership Benefits of the Sybaritic Program are offered at the sole discretion of Senate holidays private limited. SHPL reserves the right to add, modify, delete or otherwise change any of the rules, conditions, privileges, benefits, pertaining to the Sybaritic Program at its sole discretion, with or without notice.

20. Membership and/or Membership Benefits of the Sybaritic Program shall be void if prohibited by the laws in the country of the Members domicile.

21. Membership Benefits cannot be bartered, sold, transferred by Members or encashed by Members at any point of time. Any Membership Benefit which SHPL deems to have been transferred, sold or assigned by the Member in violation of the SHPL Program rules may be deemed invalid and/or cancelled and further lead to immediate cancellation of the said Membership and/or the Membership Benefits.

22. All interpretations of the Terms and Conditions and Membership Benefits shall be at the sole discretion of SHPL.

23. All Membership Benefits and part of the Sybaritic Program are meant for personal / individual use only and cannot be used for group bookings or reservations. Any use of Sybaritic Program Benefits for non-personal use or group bookings and/or reservations may lead to immediate cancellation at the sole discretion of SHPL

24. Membership is open to individuals who are aged 18 years and above only.

25. All communication will be sent to the address (postal or email) available as per member records and it is the responsibility of the member to inform the Sybaritic Member Services about any change in his/her communication details (email id, mobile number, and address). All communication will be deemed to have been received by the Member and SHPL bears no responsibility for communication not received or lost in the mail or courier.

26.SHPL reserves the right to grant or refuse or discontinue or revoke membership of SHPL Program at its sole discretion. Discontinued/ revoked membership may result in the loss of all Membership Benefits and privileges and forfeiture of any unfulfilled reservations, products or services sought to be availed.

27. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, SHPL also reserves the right to discontinue Membership of any member who appears to be using the programme in a manner inconsistent with the Terms and Conditions, applicable laws/rules/regulations, spirit of the programme, or any portion thereof. Discontinued/revoked Membership may result in the loss of all Membership Benefits and forfeiture of any unfulfilled reservations, products or services sought to be availed.

28. Each Member is responsible for remaining knowledgeable about the Sybaritic program rules, and ensuring that his/her updated details (email id, mobile number, and communication postal address) are captured on the Sybaritic Program records. The Sybaritic Program team may send correspondence to active Members to advise them of matters of interest, including notification of program changes and updates. However, neither SHPL, its affiliates/associates or programme management service providers nor the Participating/selected Hotels/Restaurants or companies participating/selected as service partners in the programme shall be liable for any failure to do so and will not be responsible for correspondence lost or delayed in the mail.

29. Membership Benefits do not constitute property of the Members. Except as specifically provided herein, no accrued Membership Benefits are transferable in the event of death, disputes or otherwise. In the event of death, the Sybaritic Program membership will be terminated and all Membership Benefits shall stand cancelled.

30. Membership Benefits and privileges offered of selected Hotels may vary. All Membership Benefits may not be available at all the selected Hotels. If SHPL denies a Member a Membership Benefit for any reason whatsoever, SHPL will not be liable to make any payment to the Member or compensate him/her in anyway.

32.SHPL is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for changes or discontinuance of services provided by any selected Establishment, that may affect the Program Benefits offered.

33. Nothing in the Sybaritic Program is intended, or shall be construed to create or establish any agency, partnership or joint venture relationship between SHPL and any Selected hotels or Members.

34. SHPL will not be responsible for replacement of lost or misplaced Membership Cards, Add on Cards, Exclusive Vouchers or fraudulent usage of the same.

35. SHPL will not be responsible for replacement of lost or misplaced vouchers. SHPL reserves the right to refuse benefits due against membership card or exclusive vouchers which are lost or misplaced or used by a person other than the member.

36. The information the Member provides to the Company shall be processed according to the Companys Privacy Policy. In choosing to become a Sybaritic member, the Member consents to sharing of any information provided by the Member and to receive communications pertaining to the program or otherwise. The list of Participating/selected Establishments is subject to change at any time, without any prior notice, at the sole discretion of SHPL. The list of Participating/selected Establishments will be updated on the website program from time to time.

37. The Membership Benefits are not applicable and cannot be used in conjunction with other prevailing offers, vouchers, offers, promotions or discounts.

38. The redemption of all Sybaritic Program Membership Benefits and Exclusive Vouchers is subject to availability and can be declined by the Participating/selected Establishments in case of unavailability of the respective product(s) or service(s).

39. Prior 45 Days of reservation is mandatory for the use of Sybaritic Program Membership Benefits.

40. The standard policies of the Participating/selected Establishments, including but not limited to those relating to check-in/check-out timings, dress code, safety guidelines and rules of usage, shall apply in addition to the terms and conditions of the Sybaritic Program in respect of the redemption of membership benefits and exclusive vouchers.

41. Sybaritic Program Membership Benefits will not be valid during the blackout dates at the Participating/selected Establishment(s).

42. The Membership Benefits provided as a part of the Sybaritic Program cannot be transferred, altered, renewed or exchanged against cash or any other forms of products or services excepting those indicated on the voucher.

43. In case of vouchers meant for use by members-only, the member must present the voucher and the Sybaritic Membership card at the time of redemption. In case of vouchers open to use by the bearer, the bearer must present the voucher and quote the associated Sybaritic Membership Card number at the time of redemption.

44. The exclusive vouchers provided to the Sybaritic Program member at the time of enrolment, unless specifically provided on such vouchers that the same are non-transferable and/or for use by member only, can be used by the bearer who must quote the associated Sybaritic Membership card number at the time of redemption.

45. A member must allow up to 4 weeks for processing of any requests pertaining products, services, membership kit or membership benefits of the Sybaritic Program.

46. All applicable taxes and charges shall be payable by the member / exclusive voucher bearer in advance, prior to redemption of the benefit. SHPL will not bear any tax, which may be levied on the benefits utilised by the Sybaritic Program Member, and paying these taxes shall be the responsibility prof the member and/or voucher bearer.

47. All Membership Benefits are subject to availability and supplier restrictions. SHPL may, without notice, withdraw or substitute any benefit with another benefit of comparable value and nature.

48. No credit or substitutions will be given for any benefits that are only partially used.

Enrolment and Membership

49. Membership is open to individuals only who are aged 18 years and above.

50. Membership to the Sybaritic program is valid for a period of 14 years from the date of enrolment into the Sybaritic plan. It may be renewed for the following year on payment of the prevailing membership renewal fee. If a member does not pay the requisite fee, the membership to the Sybaritic plan will stand automatically cancelled and the membership benefits shall no longer be available.

51.Enrolment onto the Sybaritic Program must be in the individuals full legal name and a government recognized proof of identification is mandatory to be provided upon request. One person is allowed to have only one active Sybaritic membership at any point in time. Additional memberships, if any, are liable to be cancelled as per the termination clause outlined below.

52. The membership of the Sybaritic Program is valid only till the date indicated on the card.


  1. The SHPL/company will provide cards as per the membership service which the members are being availed of cards
  1. The cards will be available to the member as per the enrolment of the membership/plan taken by the member.
  2. The said plan can be utilised by the membership till the expiry of the said days/nights or the expiry date of card which they had availed of.
  3. The members have a right to select the Hotels of their Choice i.e., 3 or 4- or 5-star hotel as per their wish and their membership.
  4. The members can utilise the said hotels by any bifurcation in a year but not exceeding 6 nights and 7 days.
  5. The SHPL/company is liable to provide the pick drop service for only one time in a year and that too within the limits of 20 KM (Airport/Railway to Hotels should not be more than 20 KM.
  6. The SHPL/Company is providing the membership for only couple and hence the services for the children is depend upon the Hotel policy.
  7. The SHPL/company is liable to provide a deluxe room to the member as per the policy.


Termination of Membership

53. The Sybaritic Program membership, unless renewed, shall automatically stand terminated upon the expiry of the 14-year validity period from the date of issue.

termination of the membership.

54. If the member wishes to terminate their Program Membership after enrolment, even not utilization of a single membership benefit, they will not be entitled to any refund, and the entire fee paid for the membership shall stand forfeited upon such termination.

55. If the member wishes to terminate their Sybaritic Program Membership after the enrolment, irrespective of whether any membership benefits have been availed of or not, they will not be entitled to any refund, and the entire fee paid for the membership shall stand forfeited upon such termination.

56. All membership Benefits shall cease to be available upon the termination of the membership.

57. Exclusive Vouchers provided as a part of the Membership, will cease to be valid post their validity date, as stamped on the physical vouchers, and cannot be renewed, revived or exchanged against cash or any other benefits even upon termination of the membership.

58. SHPL reserves the right to grant or refuse or discontinue or revoke membership of the Sybaritic Program at its sole discretion. Discontinuation/revocation of the Sybaritic Program may result in the cancellation of all SHPL Membership Benefits and forfeiture of any unfulfilled reservations, products or services sought to be availed using Membership Benefits.

59. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, SHPL also reserves the right to discontinue membership to the Sybaritic Program to any member who appears to be using the program in a manner inconsistent with the terms and conditions, applicable laws/rules/ regulations, spirit of the program, or any portion thereof, including, but not limited to, membership benefits. Discontinued/ revoked membership may result in the cancellation of all Sybaritic Membership Benefits and forfeiture of any unfulfilled reservations, products or services sought to be availed using Membership Benefits.

60.Cancellation of membership to the Sybaritic Program shall lead to the entire fee paid at the time of enrolment being forfeited.

61. The Sybaritic Program has no predetermined termination date and may continue until such time as SHPL decides to terminate the program, with or without notice to the Members.

>Renewal of Membership

62. An active Sybaritic Program Membership can be renewed up to 60 days in advance of its expiry. An inactive or expired Sybaritic Program Membership cannot be renewed.

63. The Fee for a new membership and for renewal of membership may differ from time to time and the program member shall be required to pay the fee prevailing at the time of renewal.

64. Upon renewal, Sybaritic Program Membership validity shall stand extended by another 14 years from the date of expiry of original membership validity.

65. A fresh set of Exclusive Vouchers will be provided to the Sybaritic Program Member upon membership renewal, as per the benefits of the program at the time of renewal. These vouchers shall be valid as per their individual validity date.

67. Exclusive Vouchers provided as a part of the membership cannot be renewed, and will expire post the validity date mentioned, irrespective of whether the membership is renewed or not.

Exclusive Vouchers

68. The exclusive vouchers provided to the Sybaritic Program members at the time of enrolment shall be valid till the date mentioned on every individual voucher. The vouchers are valid at select hotels in India and international only. The applicability and detailed terms and conditions are mentioned on each voucher.

69. The member/bearer, as per the individual voucher usage rules, must send an email to 24x7 or individual Hotel Reservation Office, in case of room stay, or the participating/selected establishment directly, in case of other benefits, to check on the applicability and availability of the voucher and to subsequently make a reservation to redeem the voucher.

70. In addition, the following terms & conditions apply to the individual benefits of the exclusive vouchers: